Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Frequently Asked Questions About the Eco Pass

What is an Eco Pass?

The Eco Pass is an annual bus pass. The pass is good on all RTD services (except special services like Rockies or BroncosRide), including all local and regional buses such as Light Rail, the "N" to Eldora Mountain Resort, SkyRide to DIA and Boulder’s own Community Transit Network of HOP, SKIP, JUMP, BOUND, DASH, STAMPEDE and BOLT buses.

How Can I Get An Eco Pass?

You can only get a Neighborhood Eco Pass if your block qualifies. To qualify, your block must raise a certain amount of money based on an average per household contribution (please see RTD Economics, below) and sign a Neighborhood Eco Pass Contract with RTD.

How does RTD determine Eco Pass prices?

RTD Eco Pass Economics

To qualify for RTD’s Neighborhood Eco Pass Program, a neighborhood “block” must meet one geographic criterion and two financial thresholds:

1) Houses in the block must be “contiguous”, defined as an area of land bounded on all sides by streets, roads, or one or more geographic or physical features, e.g. water, open space, railroad tracks.

2) The block must raise a minimum contract amount of $5600.

3) The block must raise an actual contract amount equal to the number of houses in the block multiplied by the per household price for that zone.

RTD has three pricing zones for Boulder, and Martin Acres falls into Pricing Zone 3, which requires an average household contribution of $143 to participate in the program.

On a theoretical block in which each household contributes the average amount of $143, it would require ~39 houses (=$5600/$143 per house) to reach “critical mass” for that block to sign an Eco Pass contract with RTD. A block with 45 houses would need to raise $6435 (= 45 houses * $143/house).

As a practical example, Martin Acres Region 3 is comprised of 93 houses, so last year its contract amount was approximately $11,900; in reality, the amount was a little less due to a credit from RTD strike. At $143/house, this year’s contract amount will be $13,300.

Economics in the real world:

Many blocks simply do not have “critical mass” to qualify for the Eco Pass program because there are not enough “contiguous” houses. So, unless a few major donors on the block want to underwrite the $5000 contract minimum, it’s just not feasible for that block to qualify.

When counting houses on a block, RTD does not take into account households that already have Eco Passes from another source. On blocks with large student populations, this means the financial burden must be spread over a significantly lower number of households.

On the positive side, GO Boulder offers a 50% subsidy for new Eco Pass blocks and an on-going 30% subsidy for existing blocks. For example, last year, GO Boulder paid approximately $3570 toward District 3’s contract, leaving $8330 for the block to raise. This year, it will contribute almost $4000 (30% of $13,300) to help the district qualify again.

Go Boulder has also put together an impressive list of local merchants who offer discounts to all Eco Pass holders. The complete list can be found here. Beyond that, PettiJohn’s Liquor and Baseline Liquor offer a 10% discount specifically to Martin Acres Eco Pass Holders

How Are Martin Acres Pass Prices Set?

In general, Martin Acres Pass prices are set at 50% of RTD’s normal prices based on their discounted monthly pass rates. The Non-Commuter pass price assumes that you ride the bus locally an average of once a month, and take a couple regional trips (e.g. to Denver or Nederland/Eldora) and to DIA (Sky Ride). Senior Non-Commuters receive a 50% discount off the regular Non-Commuter pass price.

While everyone would prefer to pay less rather than more for their pass, we count on neighbors to calculate their bus ridership honestly and contribute accordingly. That is the only way that we can offset the fact that many households do not participate in the program even though RTD still considers them part of the block and requires us to pay for them.

I’m a CU student, why should I get a Martin Acres pass?

Several reasons, monetary and otherwise:

1) It’s a better deal! For $90 you get a pass that’s good for the entire year and includes discounts at local retailers. CU’s pass costs $54/semester and is only good for that semester. Note that you CAN get your student Eco Pass fee refunded by going to the Bursar’s Office, showing them that you already have a pass, and requesting that they remove the charge from your bill.

2) Did we mention discounts at local stores?!? GO Boulder has recruited a large number of area merchants willing to cut you a deal just for flashing you bus pass. A complete list can be found here. Beyond that, Pettijohn’s and Baseline Liquor both offer 10% to Martin Acres Eco Pass holders.

3) You help out your neighbors & promote goodwill! One of the reasons Martin Acres has such a tough time qualifying for the Ecopass Program is the large number of students living in the neighborhood. RTD requires us to pay for your house ($143) regardless of whether you buy your pass from us or not. That means that neighbors have to take up the financial slack for houses that don’t participate. On many blocks that gap is just too large, the block does not qualify, and no one gets a pass, except, of course the CU students who already have them.

I Never Ride the Bus…Why Should I Participate in the Neighborhood Eco Pass Program?

First and foremost, you’re helping your neighbors and the environment. Since RTD charges for houses on a block whether or not they get passes, the more houses that participate in the program, the better chance a block has to qualify. This enables your neighbors who do want a pass to get one and ride the bus more. Research has shown that once NECO passes are distributed, bus ridership increases by 50 percent. When your neighbors drive less that equates to less congestion and pollution for everyone!

And then there are the discounts: GO Boulder has recruited a large number of area merchants who offer discounts to Boulder’s Eco Pass Holders. A complete list can be found here. And two of our local spirit suppliers--Pettijohn’s Liquor and Baseline Liquor-- both offer 10% off regularly priced items to Martin Acres Eco Pass holders.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Stickers are Here!

Ecopass Stickers have arrived! If your block
qualified for passes this year, you should have
received a letter on your door this weekend with
instructions about sticker distribution. If
you’ve missed placed that letter, you can
download another copy from

For passholders in District 2, which is WEST of
Martin Park, you can pick up your stickers at
Camille Hook’s house (40 S 41st St) today
(Thursday) from 3-4:15pm and 5-8pm and
Friday before 7:45am if you call first, or
11am-2:30pm on a drop-by basis.
If you cannot make these times, please call for
an appointment. Camille will be out of town this
weekend, so contact her as soon as possible if
you need to receive your pass before then.

For passholders in District 3, which is EAST of
Martin Park, you can pick up your stickers from
Alia Ghandour’s house (270 South 39th St) today
(Thursday) from 3-4pm, or 9:30-10pm, Friday from
7:30 -8:30am, Saturday from 8:30-10 am, or by
appointment this weekend.

Notice that I didn’t include our telephone
numbers in this message. That’s because we hope
that you’ll think before you call! If you
*really* need to reach us, our numbers are in the
instruction letter.

IMPORTANT: If you are a new passholder, please
download and fill out the attached authorization
form to be signed when you pick up your sticker.

Another note, beyond the city-wide retailers that
participate in the Eco Passs Xtra discount
program, our local favorites Pettyjohns Liquor &
Wine and Baseline Liquor are both offering a
regular 10% discount to Martin Acres passholders
on any non-sale items. And, that includes last
year’s passholders, so even if your block didn’t
qualify this year, you can still use your pass as
a discount card.

Thanks & we look forward to seeing you on the


Monday, January 15, 2007

Qualified Block Members!

January 13, 2007

Dear Qualified EcoPass Household,

We’re pleased to report that your block qualified for a 2007 EcoPass! RTD has just informed us that our stickers will be mailed during week of January 15th. Once they arrive we will begin distribution immediately.

We apologize for the delay in getting you your 2007 sticker. However, we would also like to emphasize that the deadline to submit Ecopass money was December 2nd, and we only received enough money to qualify the districts December 15th. This 2 week delay coupled with holiday’s made for our current situation. We hope that this experience will encourage neighbors to submit payment promptly next year.

Your 2006 Ecopass is valid until January 15th.


When the stickers arrive we will announce it via three lines of communication:

ONLINE: a message at
PHONE: a message on the Eco Pass answering service at (303) 496-0055
MANAlist: broadcast message on the neighborhood discussion elist. If you’re not on this, you can subscribe by sending your e-address to, write "subscribe" in the subject heading. .

Authorization Forms, EcoPass “Validation” and “EcoPass Xtra” stickers will be distributed as listed below. You can look up EcoPass Xtra discounts at

CONTACT INFORMATION: 2 Districts qualified. PLEASE note your district before you call.

District 2 Qualifying homes West of Martin Park Camille Hook: 303-499-9020 40 S. 31st
District 3 Qualifying homes East of Martin Park Alia Ghandour: 303-442-9144 270 S. 39th

2 ways to get an EcoPass ID if you don’t already have one:

IMPORTANT: You MUST have an “Authorization Form”, which you can download from the Go Boulder website (, and this form MUST be signed by an Eco Pass Coordinator. Please note that we can only sign these forms when we receive the 2007 stickers:

Bring a valid driver’s license or bill/statement with your name and address on it to:
DOWNTOWN BOULDER: 1400 Walnut Street (RTD bus terminal) Photos are taken Mondays 12pm and 4pm
DOWNTOWN DENVER: 1600 Blake Street (RTD Administrative Offices) Photos are taken Tuesdays from 10am-1pm and Thursdays from 12pm-3pm.
DIA: Photos are taken Wednesdays between 12:30pm – 1:45pm.

2. Email a digital picture to RTD and fax an authorization form:

To take a digital photo, hold a plaque in front just below shoulder level with your name on it so as to avoid mismatching names and pictures. Stand in front of a light to medium blue background, and take the picture with 6-8 inches of space surrounding your head.
Email mail the photo (file name must be 8 or less characters with no spaces) as a jpg file to In the body of the message, include your first and last name, street address, and indicate that you live in Martin Acres.
Fax your authorization form to John Bartiromo at 303-299-2600 and indicate that photo is arriving via email.

Again, we apologize for the delays this year and thank you your patience & participation. Enjoy your pass!

Kim & James Butler, Alia Ghandour, NECO Coordinators

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

More information

Neighbors, it seems we are currently in a holding pattern. Please bear with us as we work to get the information and the stickers out as soon as possible.

Here is the information we can offer thus far:

1. The contract has been signed and the stickers are on their way. We
cannot get a confirmation on the date they will be arriving. Once we know
we can begin distribution.

2. If you end up having to pay for the bus between now and the arrival
of the stickers the coordinators will be unable to credit or refund. We
don't have the stickers because we didn't have enough money for RTD when it
was due but we were so close we perservered for the sake of qualifying.
Bottom line is that we turned in the money and rosters when enough had been
collected. The alternative was not to qualify. We made the assumption that
people wouldn't be too bummed if we were a couple of weeks late vs.
cancelling the effort.