Sunday, July 16, 2006

Getting Started

We met yesterday and worked to identify what we all needed to do to get this program running. We have realized that we have two main steps to begin with:

1. Get volunteers (block leaders)!
2. Make sure those that qualified this year have the chance to get passes.

If you are wondering if you qualify for a pass for 2006 please email us your name and address and we will check. Not all of Martin Acres qualified in 2006 but if you are among those that did, you are eligible for a pass. We can provide details for all Martin Acres neighbors.

If you are interesed in becoming a block leader for 2007 please contact us!

1 comment:

Osman said...

When we qualified last year, I wasn't sure I would use my Ecopass that much. With a little forethought, I've found I now use it quite a bit. As a cyclist, I've particularly enjoyed having the option to throw my bike on the bus if it starts raining (rare, I know) or if it's late and I'm beat.

So, I'm happy to volunteer to help this year. If we don't have a block leader on Martin Drive, I'm more than happy to take on the task. Or I can also help the existing block leader. Just let me know what I can do! ph: 303.746.6896.